GCF has added a complete collection of Regent College Audio Lecture Series to the GCF Multi-Media Resource Library. This set of MP3 format CD offers refreshing perspectives of our faith – Christology, Biblical Theology, Old and New Testament Foundation, Church History, Book Studies and many contemporary issues like globalization, discovering Gospel through arts, cross-cultural ministry etc. They are excellent guideposts to our spiritual journey.
Also, there is a series of inspirational and challenging Bible Expositions delivered by Ravi Zacharias on Biblical heroes, Christian character growth and spirituality etc. GCF Multi-Media Resource Library is created for You - So come, borrow, hear and be blessed by these wondrous messages by great preachers!
How can I borrow?
The GCF Multi-Media Resource Library is open to all GCFers. One can borrow up to Two CDs / VCDs / DVDs for three weeks.
Please call the GCF Office at 63386283 or email to gcfsing@gcf.org.sg for check the availability of your desired titles. Upon your reservation, the Library will hold the CDs/VCDs/DVDs titles up to a week for your collection at the GCF Office.
A S$ 10-00 refundable deposit shall be paid when you sign out the CDs/VCDS/DVDs and the deposit will be refunded upon the return of the borrowed items. The deposit is primarily used for the replacement of any damaged or misplaced CDs/VCDs/DVDs.