Our Ministry

Today, the GCF had grown to be the legal umbrella for six sectional groups, six ministries and two associated ministries.Its ministries focus on the following areas:

Supporting Church, Christian Community and Society

Through the years, the GCF has been involved and continues to be involved in various ministries and initiatives, which support the Church, Christian community and Society. The Fellowship reaches out to the professional groups through the various sectional groups such as the Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship, Engineering and Science Christian Fellowship, Fellowship of Christian Care Professionals, Business and Finance Christian Fellowship, Law Christian Fellowship and Teachers’ Christian Fellowship).

Workplace Ministry

Through the various sectional groups, and ministries (such as the Marketplace Christian Network,  Returnees' Ministry and Indonesian Graduates’ Fellowship), we encourage our members be Salt and Light in their workplace and to think of their workplace as their mission field.

Leadership in Christian Thinking

In the past and the present, the GCF has made representations and submitted papers and responses to the Government and various bodies on issues affecting our Christian values and our society. Through its sectional groups and ministries such as Origins Interest Group, Comparative Religions Interest Group, Contemporary Issues Ministry and Issachar Forum ; publications; representations; talks and various events; GCF seeks to bring a Biblical perspective and provide leadership on contemporary issues affecting us today.

Its associate ministries are St. Luke's Hosipital and the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES). St. Luke's Hospital addresses the concerns of the sick through its vision to be a Christian community hospital of excellence, showing God's love and compassion in caring especially for the elderly.

The FES is an evangelical student witness in most of the universities and polytechnics in Singapore and also have pioneering work in some private tertiary institutions. The GCF supports the work of FES through providing funds, sharing of premises and reaching out to graduating students.