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July 2021 Issue-Entering the New Normal by Michael Kang
January 2021 Issue- Making an Impact, One Sphere at a Time by Timothy Goh
January 2020 Issue- LCF 40th Anniversary DInner by by Tong Suit Chee & Gregory Vijayendran
January 2020 Issue-Remembering Dr Bobby Sng by Tong Suit Chee
July 2020 Issue-Covid-19 & Global Missions by Timothy Liu
July 2020 Issue-Coping with Circuit Breaker & Our Faith by Shelwyn Tay
August 2019 Issue-BECF- Serving Christ in the Marketplace by Soh Weiji
August 2019 Issue-TCF-Having Core Purpose and Being in God's Hands by Lan Yingjie
July 2018 Issue-Jesus Our Teacher by Prof Freddy Boey
July 2018 Issue-Worship@Work-CEO by Mr Neo Ban Sang
January 2018- Issue-The Challenge of Young Graduates’ Ministry Today by Dr Tan Soo Inn
July 2017-Issue-This is GRACE not a RACE- by Kevin Pang & Lucy Toh
July 2017 Issue- Peace & Conflicts:Theological Resources by Vinoth Ramachandra
January 2016 Issue-The Mission and Identity of the Church in a World of Global Flows by Dr Calvin Chong
July 2015 Issue: Work and the Workplace-The Heavenly meaning of our earthly work by Rev Dr Tan Soo Inn
January 2015 Issue: The Strategic Role of the GCF by Dr Tan Gee Paw
July 2014 Issue: Contemporary Christianity- reflections on challenges and pathways by Mr Jose Philip
Organ Trading: A Christian Perspective
by Dr Roland Chia
What is the Christian perspective on the issue of the trading of human organs? Obviously, the Bible does not address this issue directly. A Christian response must therefore enquire into what the Bible has to say about what it means to be human, what is the moral status of the human body, and what are the implications of putting a price tag on the human body and its parts.
Serving the Lord in Our Generation
by Dr Bobby Sng
The topic you gave me for tonight is “Serving the Lord in Our Generation”. Really the meat of this evening’s service was the three testimonies that were given just now. I am really touched by what our brothers are saying concerning how the Lord has dealt with them and is using them be it as a student, someone stationed overseas or in Dalian, China
The Practice of Law and the Practice of Grace and Truth
by Mr Richard Magnus
As lawyers, judicial and legal officers as well as in-house counsel, we are to obey and practise the law. I use the word “practise” in a wide sense to include private and public practice. Our professionalism, integrity and our competence are presumed
Christian Disciplines in Times of Economic Challenges
by Dr Lee Soo Ann
When I agreed to this topic several months ago, I hardly realised how rapidly the economy would deteriorate. Today, we have the restructuring of the financial services industry in the U.S and Europe, a slowdown in China and deterioration in the Singapore economy itself. These are indeed challenging times but what I intend to say is applicable also to “good times”, perhaps more so.
Building A Strong Future
by Mr Benny Bong
We have a very stunning report card of our nation recently-with double-digit growth in our economy.
Changing Times, Unchanging Vision
by Dr Bobby E.K. Sng
What role could Christian graduates play? What kinds of contribution could they make? It did not take long before that small group of graduates agreed that God had brought them together precisely for such a time as this. They all shared a common vision and decided to form the Graduates’ Christian Fellowship.
The Anatomy of A Calling
by Bishop Dr Robert Solomon
From young I had wanted to be a doctor. I was born into a Christian family and was baptised on Christmas Day when I was less than a year old. It was my privilege to grow up attending church, being part of the Sunday School, and to learn about the Christian faith. In my first few years, I did not know any other religion except Christianity.
Is Our Public Square Naked?
by Richard Magnus
Is our public square naked? If naked, with what ‘fig leaves’ do we clothe the nakedness? What is the Christian answer to this issue? Is Christianity a civilisational religion? What are the choices: a theocratic public square or a theonomous one, within the context of an heteronomous culture.
The Christian Response to the Liberal Agenda
by Professor Dr. Thio Li-ann
Christians are born again to resist the spirit of the age. Francis Schaeffer noted in The God who is There, “the Christian must resist the spirit of the world in the form it takes in his own generation.” This requires both discernment and personal resolution not to be taken captive “through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of the world, rather than Christ.” (Colossians 2:8).
Who Am I? Being True in a Pluralistic Society
by Mr Paul Martin
The title of this talk is an identity question-who am I and how to be true in a pluralistic society.
Light Without Sight?
by Lim Siong Guan
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life….. Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God." (John 3:16-21)
Living with the Mind of Christ
by Lucy Toh
Dr Allan Harkness’ message was about having the mind of our Lord in what we do, learn and teach. He spoke of the importance of Christian teachers, not just bringing the sweetness of Christ into our schools in general ways such as in gracious conduct towards others, but the importance of specifically bringing the mind of Christ to bear on all aspects of our work – relationships, curriculum materials and processes.
Go Forth and Teach
by Dr Jessie Ee, Assistant Professor, Special Education, National Institute of Education (2003)
Share Christ in other lands through serving students
Four Myths of Medical Life
by Professor Alan Kerr
Modern professional life is very stressful. We are facing pressures that our predecessors could never have imagined. Many of these are from our own colleagues. In any event many of our problems can be summed up in one story.
Engaging the Marketplace – the Ministry of Aquila and Priscilla
by Dr Bobby Sng
“After this, Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. There he met a Jew named Aquila a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all the Jews to leave Rome. Paul went to see them and because he was a tentmaker as they were, he stayed and worked with them. Every Sabbath, he reasoned in the synagogue, trying to persuade Jews and Greeks.” (Acts 18:1-4)
Acting Justly
by Dr William Wan
People of faith are prone to create false dichotomies. One of them is the dichotomy between rites and rights. A rite is a ceremonial or formal, solemn act, observance or procedure in accordance with prescribed rule or custom especially in religious use. A right is that which is just, lawful, morally good, proper or correct.